You Know You're a Tired Mama When...

This may or may not be a reflection on the past couple of days in the Loewen house. I will neither confirm or deny any such events and their accuracy.

You know you're a tired mama when...

  • You can't remember if you brushed your teeth.
  • You attempt putting pantry items in the fridge.
  • Are fuzzy on the year of your baby's birth.
  • Slur your sentences like Uncle Eddie on too much eggnog.
  • While driving think: "So THIS is why you shouldn't drive sleep deprived!"
  • People tell you that you look really tired.
  • After realizing you're on day 2 of no shower, you shrug it off and hope for a moment to cleanse tomorrow.
  • Your beloved cup 'o morning joe is put into question because maybe, just maybe, if you skip it, you'll be able to nap today.
  • After wearing glasses for the entire day, while getting ready for bed, you add more contact solution to the contact case, go to take out said contacts only to reach up to your...glasses.
  • Phrases start spewing from your mouth to your kids that you made your husband promise not to use with them. Talking about "punishing them" and other gems such as "I don't even care. You deal with it!" {directed at your 4-year-old}
  • You vaguely remember days of old when you felt like a normal actual human - but those memories are quickly fading.

Cute teething baby boy.

We've been on one wild ride with a teething baby this week {can ya tell?}! Through it all, God is good. Haven't lost sight of that. Just wanted other mama's to know you're not alone. Maybe laughing at ourselves will help...a little. :) 

Through Unspeakable Joy,
